By 23 May 2016 | Categories: news


Google debuted something a little different over the weekend. In the wake of Google I/O and the yet-to-be-released technology on show, the company released a new app for budding experimenters. It's called Science Journal, and it measures and records a variety of data in real-time via the native sensors embedded in many Android phones. 

The spectrum of applications for Google's Science Journal is still a little unclear, but it appears as if the company wants its Android users (young ones particularly) to play around with their phones. As such, there's quite a bit of experimentation to be done with Science Journal, with Google stating that users can start multiple projects where they can measure and record a number of things. 

For example, users could compare the difference in volume and frequency between their own cough and a dog's bark, or tracking the ambient light sources in specific environments, according to Google. The app forms part of Google's Making and Science initiative and could certainly enliven kids’ scientific enquiry.   


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