By 27 March 2015 | Categories: news


It’s hard to believe that it has been a full decade since Half Life 2 arrived and struck a chord with gamers, but it’s somewhat fitting that the milestone has been celebrated with the iconic game receiving a graphics overhaul.

Before you get too excited, no, it’s not exactly at the hands of Valve, but rather a dedicated group of fans. Apparently the project has been in the works for six years, and finally, it has been given its blessing from Valve itself.

The update has been released via Steam, and brings a lighting overhaul, new particle effects and improved fog to the still fondly remembered first person shooter. Improved fog is perhaps the most applicable of the update – since Half Life’s future is still as murky as ever.

Nonetheless, if you would like to see what Half Life’s dystopian world looks like post its extreme makeover, and in comparison with the now decade old game, then take a peak at the video below.


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