By 21 September 2015 | Categories: news


The Last Witch Hunter
Release date: 11 December in South Africa

The latest trailer for Vin Diesel’s The Last Witch Hunter certainly looks the best yet. It showcases a dimension-travelling Diesel as Kaulder, the eponymous hunter, a man who has been cursed to live forever taking on the worst of the worst.

These witches are not the Liewe Heksie or Hermione Granger type, but rather those that can curse the Springboks into losing to Japan. What us humans are unaware of is that they have been living amongst us for ages, with the Queen Witch recently resurrected, seeking revenge on Kaulder for slaying her in a previous lifetime. The latest trailer also shows more of Elijah Wood as a priest, Dolan Thirty-Seven, while Michael Caine (Zulu) and Scottish actress and Rose Leslie (Downtown Abbey) can also be found.

The movie is directed by Breck Eisner, who is responsible for Sahara and horror The Crazies. Hit play below for some long overdue Diesel power.

Best bit: Kaulder spoiling a selfie at 1:40.


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