By 11 September 2015 | Categories: news


4 December in the States

It does not look like we are in for a traditional Xmas this year at all, and if we’ve learned anything about the trailer for Seth Rogen’s The Night Before, it’s that Xmas isn’t what it used to be. Krampus seems another case in point, with the trailer starting off with the holiday spirit in free flow, snow falling and gifts for all. But when the lights go off, it’s not Santa delivering the presents…

Krampus stars Adam Scott (Parks and Recreation) and Toni Collette (Muriel’s Wedding), while sitting in the director’s chair is Michael Dougherty, who has shown his horror chops on Trick 'r Treat and his superhero skills on X-Men 2 and Superman Returns.

It doesn’t matter if you were naughty or nice, hit the play button below to see why Santa this year might just be spelled “Satan”.

Best bit: The Jack-in-the-Box waiting to pop at 2:12.


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