By 5 March 2018 | Categories: news


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In the world of pop culture collectibles and figurines, few can come close to what Hot Toys can manufacture. The latest case in point is a life-size replica of the Infinity Gauntlet from the recent Marvel films. We'll see this massive (68 cm tall) piece in action for the April-slated Infinity War movie, where it will be worn by the Mad Titan Thanos (voiced by Josh Brolin). 

While wearing this gauntlet will not imbue one with any of the powers of the Infinity Stones, it certainly does look the part. Along with being accurate in terms of proportion and detail, this replica does feature LED lights for two different lighting modes, allowing owners to feign actual power. 

Whether or not you'll actually be able to get it to fit on your hand is another question altogether. As is price, with no official details being mentioned by Hot Toys at this stage.


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