By 27 September 2024 | Categories: sponsored content


Huawei Cloud ensures the trustworthiness of its products and provides trustworthiness capabilities through full-stack services and solutions to help customers achieve trustworthiness in terms of security, privacy, resilience, compliance, and transparency.

Huawei Cloud provides more than 100 types of secure, reliable, and stable services in six categories and continuously enriches and optimises the services based on industry development and customer requirements.

Security Enablement

To meet the security requirements of various types of customers, covering individual users and multinational enterprises, Huawei Cloud designs and develops security products and solutions that are easy to use and provide comprehensive functions. Huawei Cloud provides full-stack security services based on attack patterns and paths of different levels. In addition, Huawei Cloud provides security solutions based on typical security risks and service architecture characteristics of industries such as gaming, e-commerce, and finance, helping customers ensure service security.

The Huawei Cloud WAF leverages Huawei's years of experience in attack and defense to intelligently identify malicious request features and defend against unknown threats through in-depth machine learning. It can detect and protect service traffic on customer websites from multiple dimensions, preventing common attacks such as Structured Query Language (SQL) injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). This helps prevent such attacks from affecting customers' web applications and reduce the risks of customer data being tampered with or stolen.

Huawei Cloud's Host Security Service (HSS) improves the overall host security. It provides functions such as account cracking prevention, detection of weak passwords and malicious programs, two-factor authentication, vulnerability management, and web page anti-tampering, helping customers build a server security protection system and reduce major security risks faced by hosts.

Additionally, Huawei Cloud works with third-party authorities to provide customers with expert services, assisting customers in preventing, monitoring, and detecting security risks of hosts and systems and repairing compromised systems in a timely manner.

Privacy Enablement

Huawei Cloud integrates extensive privacy protection practices and R&D achievements into its cloud services. This provides customers with services capable of privacy protection, helps customers comply with privacy protection principles and requirements in their products and services, protects data subjects' rights, and quickly builds privacy compliance capabilities.

Identifying personal data, especially sensitive personal data, from systems is an important part of privacy protection. Customers can use the Database Security Service (DBSS) to automatically identify sensitive personal data such as ID card numbers and credit card numbers in the database based on the built-in compliance knowledge base or user-defined detection rules. Customers can customize protection policies for sensitive personal data. For example, they can use DEW to encrypt sensitive personal data to meet compliance requirements.

The Convergent Video Cloud Service (CVCS) provides interfaces for signing and querying privacy statements. This enables customers to easily embed the consent to privacy statements, or withdrawal of consent, in their products and services and record related operations, meeting privacy protection laws and regulations.

In scenarios such as online taxi hailing, express delivery, and real-estate agent, customers can use Huawei Cloud's Private Number service to provide private numbers for users without adding SIM cards. In this way, users can obtain high-quality call and SMS services while hiding their real numbers, protecting user privacy.

Resilience Enablement

Ensuring business continuity is a major challenge for every customer. Huawei Cloud provides services and solutions for different risks to help customers reduce the impact of attacks, disasters, or faults.

In scenarios such as virus intrusion, manual deletion by mistake, and hardware and software faults, Huawei Cloud provides the Cloud Backup and Recovery (CBR) service to restore data on the cloud servers and EVSs to any backup point.

To prevent interruption of Internet services due to heavy-traffic DDoS attacks, customers can use the advanced anti-DDoS service provided by Huawei Cloud for service stability and reliability.

To prevent fire and natural disasters from affecting services, Huawei Cloud provides a cross-AZ, cross-region, and cloud-based geo-redundant disaster recovery (DR) solution to meet customers' DR requirements of different levels. In addition, Huawei Cloud provides customers with professional cloud DR implementation services, helping customers design and implement DR solutions, perform DR drills, and provide training.

Compliance Enablement

Huawei Cloud has obtained more than 50 global, regional, and industrial security and trustworthiness certifications. Because Huawei Cloud infrastructure and services have already met a wide range of compliance requirements, customers need only pay attention to the compliance of their own applications.

Leveraging its security capabilities and security compliance ecosystem, Huawei Cloud aggregates high-quality industry resources to provide one-stop compliance solutions for customers. This helps customers meet compliance requirements quickly and cost effectively. In addition, Huawei Cloud seeks to further strengthen its cooperation with industry-recognised consulting companies and certification organizations to provide customers with more compliance certification solutions that meet their compliance requirements.

Transparency Enablement

To meet internal and external audit and inspection requirements and clearly understand the service running status, customers can use the log audit and monitoring service for backtracking to learn the resource usage and service running status on the cloud.

All Huawei Cloud services provide basic logging. Customers can configure logging using the embedded function of each cloud service. They can also use the Log Tank Service (LTS) and Cloud Trace Service (CTS) to obtain centralized and complete logging and audit services.

The Cloud Eye Service (CES) enables customers to monitor resources such as elastic cloud servers and bandwidth resources in a multi-dimensional manner, comprehensively learn about resource usage and service running status on Huawei Cloud, receive alarms, configure diversified notification modes and personalised report views, and accurately determine service resource status.


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