By 11 May 2017 | Categories: news


In further good news for comic book fans (see Hellboy making a comeback here), it has been announced that Judge Dredd is getting his own TV show.

The BBC reports Rebellion, publisher of Judge Dredd through 2000 AD comics, is creating a "big-budget" series alongside studio IM Global. Production has started on what is called Judge Dredd: Mega-City One, although no cast members have been announced, nor a network associated with it.

Entertainment Weekly notes that it will be an ensemble drama about the Judges, set “in a future where the East Coast of the U.S. has become a crowded and crime-ridden megalopolis.” As one of the leading British comics, arguably ever, it seems only fitting that the series is being filmed in the UK.

Since the second movie, 2012’s Dredd starring Karl Urban in the title role, fans have been petitioning for another. In our opinion, a TV series should serve the comic book series far better, allowing time to explore the vast myriad of storylines created over the years.

Executive producer of the show, IM Global Television’s president Mark Stern seems to be excited, saying, “This is one of those seminal sci-fi properties that seems to only become and more relevant with age. Not only is it a rich world with biting social commentary, but it’s also fun as hell!”

The news comes as the incorruptible Judge Joseph Dredd is about to turn 40, with him first appearing in the second edition of 2000 AD, created by John Wagner (writer) and Carlos Ezquerra (artist). Sylvester Stallone made the dreaded mistake of taking off the iconic helmet in 1995’s Judge Dredd, a fact fans have never forgiven him for (that and roping in Rob Schneider). Urban’s appearance in Dredd left many fans happy, with online petitions and even Urban requesting for a second movie to see the light of day. Our opinion is that no movie has yet managed to truly capture the otherworldliness of the comics.  

If you are hankering for a bit of Dredd, check out the fan made web series called Cursed Edge, although we have to warn that you might want to manage expectations beforehand. Actually, don’t, better to just see if you can recognise the Carlton Centre in the background in this Dredd clip below.


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