By 29 May 2015 | Categories: news


Square Enix has had some surprising success with its Hitman Go mobile game, so when we heard that it'll be tapping into the Lara Croft franchise, we weren't sure the move by move gameplay was well suited to the Tomb Raider.

Thankfully though, Square Enix has opted to cater Lady Croft's skillset to the world of endless runners, akin to that of Temple Run. The game developer took to its blog yesterday with an accompanying video (featured after the break) for the free-to-play title in which Lara Croft takes on falling temple ruins, dinosaurs and Grand Canyon-esque landscapes.

Titled Lara Croft: Relic Run the game is available on Android, iOS and Windows Phone for free, and should prove a slight respite while console gamers await Rise of the Tomb Raider, slated for later this year.  


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