Life is Strange creators say Season 2 would feature new cast if greenlit
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 26 June 2015 | Categories: news
There's something to be said for episodic adventure games, with the likes of The Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us proving hits in recent years. The same can be said of Life is Strange, developed by Dontnod Entertainment as a surreal interactive teen drama. The series has been a cult hit, and the first season is nearing its end, with the final two episodes in sight.
But could there be a second season on the cards? Well, hoping to gain greater clarity is Polygon, who catted to Dontnod's producer Luc Baghadoust at E3 last week. In his interview with Polygon, Baghadoust noted the great experience both he and his team has had in creating the "teen-centric" series.
Baghadoust also enthused about the opportunity to create another season for the Life is Strange series. "We would love to have the opportunity to do another season," said Baghadoust. He added, "We're working so hard to finish Episodes 4 and 5. It's a lot of work. It's a lot of stress. We have a limit of time to put out each episode. We want to stick to the eight week release between each episode as much as we can."
Along with Baghadoust, Polygon spoke to the game's co-director Michael Koch. Koch stated that if there was to be a second series, it would most likely feature an entirely new cast, as he went on to cite popular TV series like American Horror Story and True Detective, which follow a similar tact.
If you haven't checked out Life is Strange yet, click on the video below for a better idea.
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