Man changes name to iPhone 7 to win smartphone
By Staff Writer 2 November 2016 | Categories: news
With Junior, Blessing and Gift constituting the top three boys’ names in SA the past few years, how about calling your new born iPhone 7? While perhaps not being christened so at birth, a Ukrainian man has officially changed his name to iPhone Sim (seven in Ukraine) to win the new device.
According to AP a local electronics store offered Apple’s latest to the first five customers to official change their name. Olexander Turin jumped at the chance, with the change of name costing only $2 in the Ukraine.
Sim’s sister was left unimpressed at first, saying, "It was difficult to accept that and hard to believe it's true." But it seems like she has come around, adding, "Each person in this world is looking for a way to express himself. Why not to do that in this way?"
Happy about his new device, iPhone Sim said that he might change his name back once he has children. Until then, spare a thought for those that entered the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 competition.
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