By 25 March 2015 | Categories: news


Last week was a pretty big one in astronomical circles, with a full solar eclipse coinciding with the autumn/spring solstice (depending on which hemisphere you call your home). Alas, only the privileged few were able to view it from earth with their naked eye, as the eclipse was only visible from certain parts of the world, such as the UK.

Thankfully though, two pieces of footage have emerged that space-geeks can consider a must watch. The first comes from the European Space Agency and shows a bird’s eye view of the moon passing over the sun, courtesy of the Proba 2 mini-satellite, and which you can see here.

Then of course there is the footage shot by astronomer Glenn Schneider, who went all out to get up close and personal with the eclipse. He chartered a plane, with an astrophotographer  onboard, and flew into the resulting shadow of the moon. If you have ever wondered what that would be like, or at least look like, hit the video below.


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