By 20 March 2015 | Categories: news


What on earth is going on with Hideo Kojima and Konami? That seems to be the prevailing buzz this week on the internet, as Kojima, famous for creating the illustrious Metal Gear Solid series, appears to be indicating a break from the publisher.

For starters, the Metal Gear Solid 5 website has been relaunched and integrated into, but more telling is that the Kojima Productions logo doesn’t feature there. Considering that Kojima has taken great care to brand the Metal Gear Solid games with his name, this is an eye-raiser. Also having changed is the Kojima Productions Twitter account, to be replaced by a Metal Gear Solid 5 account.

According to Destructoid, there have been some falling out and internal power struggles between Kojima Productions and Konami, with staff at the former – including Hideo Kojima – apparently now listed as contractors rather than full time employees.

What this all means for the Metal Gear Solid series is all very obscure at this point. Suffice to say, we, along with many others, will be watching this space carefully.


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