By 11 February 2021 | Categories: news


ASUS South Africa is giving any parent who buys an ASUS notebook, desktop or all-in-one from 2 February to 31 March a chance to win their 2021 school fees back, up to the value of one hundred and thirty thousand rand (R130 000).

If the school fees are less than R50 000 for the year, ASUS will provide the full R50 000 to support any additional educational costs involved. Parents with more than one kid, and who purchase more than one qualifying product, stand a chance to win the fees for both children, up to the R130 000.

The entry process is quick and easy, just head over to, enter your details, upload a photo of your receipt, laptop serial number and proof of enrolment. Jump onto any social media and post a photo of your product with the #winyourfees and you are done. Asus believes these are six easy steps that take less than five minutes to complete.

“The pandemic has caused a radical shift on the way our children are being educated, and many parents are purchasing computers for their children to accommodate the ever-increasing online demands of basic education. One lucky parent will win their 2021 school fees back with the ‘Win Your Fees’ campaign, and hopefully turn 2021 into an easier journey than the year that has passed,” says Juan Mouton, country marketing manager for ASUS.

As always terms and conditions apply, and these can be found on the competition page.


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