New SOMA trailer shows off creatures
By Ryan Noik 11 September 2015 | Categories: news
If frightening creatures rock your boat, then take a look at the newest trailer for SOMA to debut. The trailer for the sci-fi horror game, which is creeping inexorably closer to its end of September release date, shows players have more than the combination of isolation, confined spaces and darkness to contend with. As well, Frictional Games explained some of the thinking behind the behavior of its creatures on the PlayStation blog.
“When creating SOMA we wanted to make our encounters disturbing. To do this our goal has been to trigger the player’s imagination in the right way. In horror games the most important thing is not what is seen, but what happens in the player’s mind. The player will always be able to conjure up far worse things in their imagination than we can do with polygons,” the developers elaborated.
To this end, rather than just having creatures rush the player indiscriminately, players can anticipate varying degrees of hostility, with some ignoring you completely till they are disturbed, while others just stare at you for a while. Additionally, the creatures will apparently have different triggers – some reacting to movement speed, while others react to sound or to eye contact. This apparently has been designed to keep players off kilter and out of their comfort zone while they explore the remote research facility.
Take a look at the trailer below and see if it raises the short hairs on the back of your neck.
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