By 31 October 2017 | Categories: news


Following in the footsteps of The Last Guardian, Sony's JAPAN Studio has yet another atmospheric epic on the cards with Shadow of the Colossus. Destined to land on PS4's in February next year, the game is now open for pre-order, with a new trailer being released to mark the occasion.

If the trailer below is anything to go by, just like the original title, gamers will be in awe of the environment that has been created. Add to that large scale battles with the titular Colussi, and this title should be one of the must-play games for the early part of 2018.

At this stage, it's unclear if the new version of Shadow of the Colossus will follow the original, frame for frame or whether a few changes to the storyline will be included. Perhaps that much rumoured 17th Colossus could make an appearance.    


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