By 11 March 2015 | Categories: news


Good news, Star Wars fans – a new series, called Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been announced, and includes twenty new books and comics.  The books, which will be part of the Star Wars’ official canon, will apparently fill in the 32 year gap between Episode VI (Return of the Jedi) and the forthcoming Episode VII (The Force Awakens).

The forthcoming content will encompass comics as well as children’s books, young adult and adult novels as well. According to Entertainment Weekly, some of the confirmed titles include Del Rey’s Star Wars: Aftermath, along with Marvel Comics’ prequel called Star Wars: Journey to the Force Awakens along with another preview story told from C-3PO’s perspective.

What’s more, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker will have their own stories in Moving Target and The Weapon of the Jedi, respectively. Han Solo, meanwhile, will be the focus of Smuggler’s Run.

The Force must be with Star Wars fans, as the books’ release is not far away at all – they are expected before the next movie, The Force Awakens arrives, which is December this year.


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