By 6 July 2017 | Categories: news


Snapchat has a fresh batch of updates for its app. Unlike the Snap Map and Geofilters, the latest lot should prove more pleasing for users of the social media platform. To that end, the company has debuted new paperclip links, backdrops and voice filters sans masks, with a handy video accompanying the announcement. 

The paperclip feature is straightforward, allowing users to attach a url to a specific snap, which will then open up in your go-to browser when clicked on. The addition should be familiar to some, but it was limited to companies using it for advertisements. Now it's available to all Snapchatters. 

Moving on, the backdrop add-on will let users take aspects from other snaps and place them as backgrounds on new snaps, with the ability to place filters and effects on it too. The voice filters work like the name says, the only difference being that no mask is required for them to be used. 

The new features are slated to rollout to both iOS and Android users this week, so check them out in the video after the break. 


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