By 5 February 2016 | Categories: news


Sometimes, you just gotto’ have Faith. And, if you weren’t convinced you needed more Faith in your life, chances are you will be after seeing the latest trailer for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. In it, we see more of the protagonist’s backstory, as the agile and athletic parkour runner grapples with proving that she isn’t broken after all.

The solid performances on offer may have you wondering for a moment if this isn’t actually a terrific mature animated blockbuster rather than a game, as clearly, the story and character setup has been paid a lot of attention to.

No less of a star is the disturbingly sterile City of Glass, which not only looks futuristic, but its surfaces are so gleamingly clean we can only suspect that rampant use of Windowlene has bloomed out of control in the future. Oh well, it least the clothes aren’t made of tinfoil.

Whatever the trailer hints at for an envisioned future, it definitely looks like Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is set to be an alluring game when it drops on 24 May.


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