By 1 March 2018 | Categories: news


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It's the first of March, which for PlayStation Plus members means a few more free-to-play titles for the month. This time round Bloodborne and Ratchet and Clank are the two games added to the list, with both available from 6 March onwards. 

PlayStation will also be adding other offers to the Monthly Games section in the PS Store, with Legend of Kay (PS3), Claire: Extended Cut (PS Vita/ cross buy with PS4) and a couple more on the way, making it worthwhile to check the page on the sixth.  

In other PlayStation Plus related news, the gaming company will be getting rid of free PS3 and Vita titles on the platform from March next year. "Starting next year on March 8, 2019, the PS Plus monthly games lineup will focus on PS4 titles and no longer include PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita titles. This won’t affect any games you’ve already downloaded, or will download, prior to March 8, 2019," noted the company's blog post

With PS4 consoles more popular than its predecessor, the change looks like one for the best.


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