By 26 May 2016 | Categories: news


If the sources at Kotaku are to be believed, then Microsoft has two new iterations of its Xbox One console in the works. According to the website, gamers can expect to see a slimmer Xbox One console later this, as well as an upgraded version of the device dated for 2017. 

The 2017-slated device is reportedly codenamed Scorpio, but hopefully something a bit better is thought of before the console makes its official debut. The Scorpio will be able to cater to VR platforms, with Oculus Rift being one in particular cited by Kotaku's sources. The precise details of Scorpio's specifications cannot be fully detailed at this stage, as the final version is still to be agreed upon. 

That said, sources at both Kotaku and Polygon say it will feature a larger 2 TB hard drive, doubling the space currently available on the top of the range model. It will also be receiving a GPU upgrade making it capable of supporting 4K video games, but whether that rumour has only surfaced because of Sony's NEO console remains to be seen. It's also being touted to run at an estimated 5 to 6 teraflops, which is pretty fast indeed. 

While Microsoft has not officially commented on this story, it's believed a full reveal of the new consoles will be made at E3 in mid-June. If these rumoured consoles are indeed on the way, we only hope they don't take as long to land in SA as their predecessor.


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