By 21 January 2016 | Categories: news


Skype is one of those companies constantly improving the productivity of their app. This week it's the turn of the Android version, which received two new tools built around the use of Microsoft Office. 

The first one allows users to schedule Skype calls via Outlook. This feature can be accessed in Skype by tapping on a specific contact. From there you can select "Schedule a call" button and a event is created and sent to your contact. As you may have realised, this feature requires one to download and actively use Microsoft Outlook for Android in order to work.

Up next is access to the core range of Microsoft Office tools - Word, Powerpoint and Excel. If one of your contacts shares a Word document or Excel spreadsheet in Skype, users can then open, edit and send back straight from their Android device. 

This latest update of Skype for Android is already live, with notifications to upgrade being rolled out during the course of the week.


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