By 18 September 2015 | Categories: news


Ah, live streams. Cue legions of fans, over inquisitive journalists analysing your every word and the chance to slip up enough to send fans into a feeding frenzy.

This seems to be exactly what befell Josh Scherr, one of the writers for Naughty Dog, who inadvertently may have let slip that we haven’t seen the last of The Last of Us (review) during a live stream for Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection.

During the stream, Scherr was talking about the animation done for the Uncharted series, and referenced, “the first The Last of Us,” followed by some flustered self-correction. Take a look for yourself below.

As most know there has only been one The Last of Us to date; whether this references that a second followup game is in the works may or may not be so. However, it does seem more likely than not, especially when you consider that Nolan North, the voice actor for the Uncharted series, has very directly stated that Naughty Dog will be working on a sequel.

Of course, Naughty Dog can’t drop a tender morsel like that, inadvertently or not, and not expect its fans to rush to slobber all over it, and that is exactly what has been happening since the livestream.

Admittedly, the studio is still remaining tight lipped, presumably so that if/when it does announce a sequel, it will be able to drum up anticipation. This, we suspect, would probably be only next year once Uncharted 4 has been released. So here and now we will make a prediction – we suspect that come E3 next year, The Last of Us 2 will be announced.   

Since we know rumour and innuendo invariably leaves one hungry, feel free to slake your appetite on The Last of Us cinematic playthrough below.


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