By 25 August 2016 | Categories: news


It's shaping up as a busy week for Sony. As the company prepares to unveil an expected two new PS4 consoles, it recently debuted a new app and USB dongle that facilitates PlayStation Now gaming on PC and Mac. The company's latest announcement is focused on security, and the launch of a new two-step verification process for PlayStation Network and PSP users. 

It's a much needed move, especially as the company has suffered significant security breaches in recent years, with 2011 proving a critical one for an estimated 77 million PSN users. To that end, Sony took to Twitter last night to inform its gaming community of the new verification process, which users will have to activate remotely.  


The process is similar to the one that Google employs from time to time when accessing its dedicated applications. As such, along with typing in one's username and password, a code will be sent to PSN or PSP users' phones, which too will need to be submitted before verification is completed. 

Will this new process stop future data breaches? Probably not, but it is an improvement on the previous system that was in place.


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