By 2 July 2018 | Categories: news


We love Nicolas Cage and we love a good horror (now and then). Combine the two and you have what seems like fireworks. Mandy might just be this years most crazy movie if the trailer is anything to go by. It tells the tale of a lumberjack called Red (Cage), whose girlfriend (Andrea Riseborough, Birdman) gets abducted by a crazed cult leader. Revenge from a man who seems to have nothing left to lose, will be swift and brutal.

Perhaps this is not the most scariest premise, but what attracted us is the look and feel of the trailer. The movie is directed by Panos Cosmatos, best known for Beyond The Black Rainbow, a movie with a similar feel to Mandy. Cosmatos is furthermore the son of George P. Cosmatos, the guy that brought us Stallone in Rambo: First Blood Part II and Cobra.

With an 80s feel, complete with creatures directly from the cover of a VHS cassette, there should be frights, and blood, aplenty. What we don't want to believe is that Mandy will be big on style but fall short on substance.  Hopefully Cosmatos treads this thin line carefully, but we would have to wait till 14 September to find out when the movie hits the big screen.


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