By 17 April 2018 | Categories: news


Avengers: Infinity War might be 10 years in the making with 18 films in its wake, but the blockbuster superhero event happening next month is set to focus on one character in particular - the Mad Titan Thanos. The character is being played, thanks to CGI, by Josh Brolin (No Country for Old Men), and while his motivations will likely be explored in the film, his origins are a tad murkier for some.

As such, a novelisation of Thanos' beginnings is set to land later this year. Titled Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War: Thanos - Titan Consumed, and written by Barry Lyga, the book is slated for release in November. It shouldn't provide any spoilers for the second part of Infinity War, and will instead detail how Thanos became obsessed with the Infinity Stones and "balancing the universe" as he puts it.

Whether this story will differ greatly from the Marvel comic book origins of the character remains to be seen. As such, there may not be a Mistress Death. Hopefully though, we get to see how he assembled the Black Order, as well as just how powerful he is sans Infinity Gauntlet.  


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