By 6 September 2016 | Categories: news


There have been a number of innovative wearables to debut in the past few years, but at this year's CES, Samsung unveiled something very interesting in the form of the WELT. Otherwise known as a Wellness Belt, the WELT is designed to track its wearer's movement, as well as lack thereof, in a bid to assist them in being more active and shed the unwanted kilos. Now, WELT has begun its own Kickstarter campaign, and has already passed its $30 000 funding goal. 

What's the next step? Depending on the amount that backers donated (starting at $119), they'll receive either a WELT Casual, Classic, Premium or Limited Edition, each with varying degrees of fitness tracking capabilities. Boasting a 20-day battery life and Bluetooth 4.1, the WELT can track the decrease or increase of one's waist, as well as how active you are throughout the day and whether you're overeating. 

With delivery of backer WELTs come January 2017, it should prove interesting how this wearable fares in the months to come. Watch it in action in the video below. 


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