The Unseen creates colour changing hair dye that reacts to temperature
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 February 2017 | Categories: news
Dying one's hair in all manner of weird shades has become quite popular over the past two years, but picking a colour can prove pretty daunting. That's where The Unseen (A fashion collective) comes into play, having developed a colour changing hair dye called Fire.
As the name suggests, Fire takes on different shades of red, orange and yellow, changing colour based on temperature. According to its creator Lauren Bowker, Fire consists of carbon based molecules within the dye that reacts to light absorption in different temperature environments. To that end, you could walk outside on a hot highveld day and have your hair turn yellow, then step inside an air conditioned building and have it revert back to its original shade.
Unfortunately, Fire is not available to the public for now, as its long-term safety to hair and mass production have not been conducted yet. Until then, watch the video below to see Fire in action.
THEUNSEEN_FIRE_4 from T H E U N S E E N on Vimeo.
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