By 20 January 2016 | Categories: news


Dark Souls 3 is expected for release in its native Japan on 24 March 2016. The rest of the world will have to wait until 12 April for the masochistic gaming franchise to reach their shores, but if you're a comic book fan you might be interested to know that a Dark Souls series is also on the way. Published by Titan Comics, Dark Souls #1 is expected to debut one week before the Dark Souls 3 game hits shelves in the US, although a precise date has not been mentioned yet.

Penning the comic book is George Mann, who also works on the Doctor Who series for Titan Comics. Handling the illustrations is Alan Quah, with DC's Vampire Diaries series under his belt. "Dark Souls has a rich, original universe that's just begging to be explored in comics, and I'm honoured to have the opportunity to delve in and tell some new stories within it," says Mann. "I've been a fan of the games for some time, so it's a real thrill to be able to contribute to the mythology of the Hollows and their world," he concludes.  

At this stage it has not been confirmed whether this comic book is a once-off or full series chronicling a similar storyline to that of the FromSoftware game, but nevertheless it looks a nice addition to one's Dark Souls paraphernalia.


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