By 27 July 2018 | Categories: news


We’ve all got that favourite sweater or denim we wear more than the rest, but how would you like to be rewarded for wearing certain brands’ clothes? Tommy Hilfiger (TH) believes it’s a good idea to chip their latest Xplore range, allowing it to connect via Bluetooth to your iPhone via the Tommy Jeans Explore app.

According to the company, doing so will  score you points for wearing their item (the line includes t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, jeans and jackets, amongst others), which will put you in line to compete in daily and weekly challenges. The points you rack up can be used to redeem rewards, which TH notes includes products and gift cards, signed merch, Live Nation ConcertCash and experiences like a tour of the Tommy archive or VIP passes to the #TOMMYNOW runway show.

Available through the US Tommy store, TechCrunch notes that you further receive points for snapping up TH icons, viewable through a map on the app, by walking to specific places – a bit like Pokémon Go. So yes, the clothes might 'smart', but with your phone already sucking up information about you, the question is whether you need your clothes to do the same.

With prices at $99 for a sweatshirt, the TM Xplore range isn’t exactly cheap and might be considered as reserved for only true TM believers.


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