Two awesome Humble Book Bundles take aim at Unix fans, Makers
By Press Release 2 December 2016 | Categories: news
We usually cover the comic book bundles over at Humble Bundle, but the past two weeks have seen some interesting other releases happening. The two new book bundles on offer should still find appeal with TechSmart readers, with the first one on offer a Unix resource extravaganza courtesy of O'Reilly publishers.
If Unix is your game, or if you want to get into this operating system, well this bundle is for you. Together these titles retail for $500, but at Humble Bundle you can pick them up starting from $1.
We’re not going to run through them all, but a few top picks would be Unix in a Nutshell, Linux Pocket Guide, Unix Power Tools, Network Troubleshooting Tools and Essential System Administration, all in different tiers ($1, $8, $15). Together they are the perfect holiday titles for reading on the beach, sipping on a margarita next to the pool, or relaxing next to a campfire.
Science more your thing? How about the Science + Discovery presented by Make: bundle? Make: is of course the leader of the pack when it comes to the Maker culture, and in this bundle lies a number of gems.
While the majority has a space/astronomy slant to it (DIY Instruments for Amateur Space, Surviving Orbit the DIY Way, Rockets: Down-to-Earth Rocket Science), there are a few titles hidden away that should draw every maker’s attention. These include Best of Make: Vol. 1 and 2, The Best of Instructables and Zero to Maker: Learn (Just Enough) to Make (Just About) Anything.
Together they go for $329, but you can have them all for $15, which then includes a $5 discount for a digital subscription to Make: magazine.
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