By 24 June 2016 | Categories: news


Uber has certainly done well in South Africa since it officially landed in 2015. So much so, that an estimated 2 million trips were recorded within the first six months of the ridesharing app's availability in SA. While the service has proved popular, it still has encountered some snags, with animosity of local taxi associations being one of them. Another gripe, across the globe is surge pricing, in which the price of an Uber ride will fluctuate depending on demand for rides. Now, however, reports suggest a change to the feature is forthcoming.

According to TechCrunch, the surge feature will not be done away with altogether, but rather there'll be a greater deal of transparency in terms of pricing. The change has been brought about by Uber's Pool service, which allows users to share ride fares with others travelling to the same destination. This service only exists in select areas in the US, but Uber that those that did use it were more likely to double dip when they knew the exact pricing. 

As such, the newly 'improved' surge pricing will be clearer in how much money users will have to pay, with calculations worked out by taking into account requested time of ride, length of journey and amount of traffic to destination. Those hoping to pay less money are out of luck, as these new surge prices are still going to be far more than a normal Uber ride. The only difference will be knowing exactly how much you'll be paying up front.  

Uber is currently rolling out the new surge pricing in select US cities, as well as Hyderabad and Mumbai in India. Whether it will be coming to South Africa, remains unconfirmed.


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