By 30 September 2015 | Categories: news


If like us, you are chomping at the bit for Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, which is arriving in a week’s time, then here’s something to whet your appetite. The demo for the game is now available on the PlayStation Store.

In case you fell off a cliff or have spent the last few months entombed in the ruins of a forgotten civilisation, then here is a quick reminder -  the Nathan Drake Collection brings together the first three games in the series, remastered for the PS4.

It does not, however, bring Uncharted: Golden Abyss to the bigger screen, that title still remains exclusive to the PS Vita. While the latter was excluded for narrative reasons, according to Naughty Dog, there is still loads of gameplay in the collection, with Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune paving the way for what is still a major high point in action adventure games across the board, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (review) and Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (review).

It is from the second entry that the demo tempts with one of the levels, Chapter 5: Urban Warfare. That level was gritty, intense, with plenty of action and also showed off the dynamic between Nathan Drake and fellow thief/treasure hunter Chloe. You may want to set aside some time if you choose to download the demo, it’s a good 7.5 GB. If you are still on the fence though, take a look at the duo of trailers below.       


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