rAge coming to Cape Town in 2016
By Staff Writer 24 July 2015 | Categories: news
Apart from over enthusiastic tourists, Gauteng is sending something else Cape Town’s way soon - rAge. Michael James, rAge’s senior project manager, made the announcement last night that in 2016, rAge Cape Town will make its much-anticipated debut in the Mother City. To give the event its own unique spin, this expo will be dubbed the really Awesome geek experience, where rAge in Johannesburg is referred to as the really Awesome gaming expo.
rAge Cape Town will take place from Friday 18 March 2016 to Sunday 20 March 2016 at the GrandWest Casino and Entertainment World in Goodwood.
According to James “After many years of requests from the gaming community, we’re finally heading to the Mother City to bring rAge to the gamers, technology enthusiasts and fellow geeks of Cape Town! In speaking to our clients about this exciting venture, we’ve received nothing but support for the concept, which ultimately means there’ll be an awesome variety of things to see and do for visitors to the expo.”
James notes that besides the introduction of rAge Cape Town, they’re also in the planning stages of bringing another NAG LAN to Johannesburg next year to “meet the demand that we simply can’t keep up with anymore at rAge.” “This will also allow us the opportunity to add exciting eSports events to this new NAG LAN event in Jo’burg, as there won’t be a super-busy expo running alongside it,” says James
Tickets for the NAG LAN in Cape Town will go on sale at Computicket on Saturday 28 November 2015 at 09h00 and tickets to the expo will be available from 1 December 2015 at Computicket.
For more information on the NAG LAN go to www.naglan.co.za or to enquire about exhibiting atrAge Cape Town please email rage@nag.co.za.
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