Canon strengthens its cinema offering with the EOS C300 Mark III

By Press Release 22 April 2020

It also announces two firmware updates for its professional display monitors and Cinema EOS System cameras. FULL STORY >


Benefits are central to talent management

By Opinion 13 June 2018

In the context of the so-called gig economy and the 4th Industrial Revolution, talent is increasingly mobile and talent hunters (ie employers) must be creative to attract and keep the best workers, says Steven Nathan, CEO of 10X. FULL STORY >


Canon launches three binoculars with Image Stabilizer system

By Staff Writer 2 August 2017

Canon Europe, world-leader in imaging solutions, has today announced three new binocular models with 10x, 12x and 14x magnification levels. FULL STORY >


Canon 10x30 IS II binoculars

By Ryan Noik 17 July 2015

From the outset, it becomes apparent that there is much to like in Canon’s 10x30 IS II binoculars. FULL STORY >


Top 3 Action Cameras (That aren't a GoPro)

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 19 June 2014

We all know that when it comes to Action Cameras, the GoPro Hero 3 has become the go-to choice for many videographers and adrenaline junkies alike, but variety is the spice of life. With that in mind, we've compiled a list of the top action camera... FULL STORY >


Welcome to the Great (Tech) Outdoors

By Ryan Noik 3 September 2013

It need not come down to a choice between enjoying technology amid home comforts, versus forsaking it for the fresh air and adventure to be found in the great outdoors. In fact, certain technologies come into their own when you step foot outside. FULL STORY >

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