Gaming News Round-up - Gaming Blizzard edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 9 September 2011

In this week's Gaming News Round-up: there are six releases emanating from Activision Blizzard over the next three years and Deus Ex: Human Revolution DLC on the way. FULL STORY >


Nintendo 3DS early adopters - update now or lose out

By Ryan Noik 11 August 2011

Time is running out for early adopters of the Nintendo 3DS to take advantage of the Ambassadors programme and be eligible for free games. FULL STORY >


Sony delays Vita, Nintendo slashes price of 3DS

By Ryan Noik 8 August 2011

The Sony Vita will only be launched next year, while the Nintendo will receive a price cut this week. FULL STORY >


Gaming news round up - 15 July 2011

By Ryan Noik 15 July 2011

This week's roundup reveals another extension to the Uncharted 3 multi-player beta, the announcement of a Monkey Island Special Edition collection and several reasons to look forward to September. FULL STORY >


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

By Johan Keyter 8 July 2011

We take a nostalgic gander back in time as we review The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, marking Link's first forray onto the 3DS. FULL STORY >


Dead or Alive Dimensions

By Johan Keyter 6 July 2011

We jump into the fast paced and intense 3D fighting action of Dead or Alive Dimensions, Team Ninja's latest fighting forray. FULL STORY >


Sony plays its E3 hand

By Johan Keyter 7 June 2011

Sony unveils pricing and model details for its upcoming handheld alongside new games and 3D TV offerings. FULL STORY >


Hackers strike Nintendo

By Johan Keyter 6 June 2011

Nintendo on Sunday confirmed that hackers had infiltrated one of its US servers, but stated that the attack was minor. FULL STORY >


Sony trademarks PS Vita

By Johan Keyter 6 June 2011

Sony files trademarks for two new names which indicates that its next handheld will indeed be known as the PlayStation Vita. FULL STORY >


Steel Diver

By Johan Keyter 2 June 2011

We batten down the hatches and dive into the surprisingly challenging Steel Diver for the Nintendo 3DS. FULL STORY >


Gaming news round-up - 6 May 2011 - Part 2

By Johan Keyter 6 May 2011

In part two of this week's gaming news round-up: Super Mario 3DS, Black Ops DLC, free beta for Age of Empires Online and free Portal 2 DLC on the way. FULL STORY >


Pilotwings Resort

By Johan Keyter 20 April 2011

We strap on our flying goggles and attempt to earn our wings in Pilotwings Resort for the Nintendo 3DS. FULL STORY >


Gaming news round-up - The Nintendo Edition

By Johan Keyter 15 April 2011

In this week's gaming news round-up: A sneak peak at the Wii 2, Nintendo's handheld goldmines, bidding farewell to a gaming great and another juicy Resident Evil trailer. FULL STORY >


Dead or Alive Dimensions heading to SA

By Johan Keyter 6 April 2011

The new Dead or Alive Dimensions for the Nintendo 3DS is confirmed for a South African release. FULL STORY >


Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition

By Johan Keyter 6 April 2011

We flip open the 3DS to marvel at Ryu and the gang's first forray into the 3D fighting realm. FULL STORY >

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