Mozilla releases Firefox 17

By Hanleigh Daniels 21 November 2012

The latest version (17) of Mozilla's popular Firefox web browser has been released, bringing a new feature in social networking integration. FULL STORY >


Web Time Wasters - November 2012

By Ryan Noik 13 November 2012

Some cool sites we've tracked down for your surfing pleasure. FULL STORY >


New Surface RT tablet off to a modest start, says Balmer

By Ryan Noik 12 November 2012

Microsoft's chief executive officer, Steve Balmer, has told Le Parisien that sales of its new Surface tablet are off to a modest start. FULL STORY >


Xbox Surface device rumoured to be in development

By Ryan Noik 8 November 2012

New rumours are circulating that Microsoft may very well have an 7" Xbox Surface device in the works. FULL STORY >


Facebook passes one billion user mark

By Hanleigh Daniels 5 October 2012

Facebook passes the one billion mark in registered users. FULL STORY >


Rectron secures Acer Aspire Ultra M5 distributorship

By Ryan Noik 13 September 2012

Rectron has secured the distributorship rights to Acers latest crop of ultrabooks, the Acer Aspire Ultra M5. FULL STORY >


Gartner - Free apps dominating mobile app download landscape

By Hanleigh Daniels 12 September 2012

Gartner states that free application downloads will account for the clear majority of app downloads during 2012. FULL STORY >


Four steps in using Facebook to empower your business

By Staff Writer 10 September 2012

Now more than ever, it is possible to turn a great idea or saleable skill into a successful business reality. Chris Anderson looks at how using Facebook effectively can help turn the tide for one-person businesses. FULL STORY >


Facebook mobile user tally reaches 543 million

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 September 2012

Facebook's mobile user tally increases by 55 million in just four months. FULL STORY >


Sasol Solar Challenge 2012 gets underway in September

By Hanleigh Daniels 28 August 2012

The biennial Sasol Solar Challenge endurance race is taking place between 18 and 29 September. FULL STORY >


Facebook recognises inadequacies of Facebook Android app

By Ryan Noik 27 August 2012

Facebook management has apparently taken to ordering employees to ditch their iPhones and iPads in favour of Android devices, to experience first hand the problems presented by the Android Facebook app. FULL STORY >


Acer Aspire V3-771

By Ryan Noik 15 August 2012

Despite having some issues, Acer's Aspire V3-771 17.3" desktop replacement notebook is still an attractive and very capable solution for those seeking decent screen real estate, a very good display and a comfortable typing experience. FULL STORY >


Acer Olympics P238HL LCD monitor

By Hanleigh Daniels 10 August 2012

Acers Olympics branded P238HL LCD monitor arrives to boost productivity at work, or to become the aesthetic centrepiece of your movie viewing and game playing experience at home. FULL STORY >


Quick review - Acer Aspire U M3 581T

By Ryan Noik 24 July 2012

Acer's Aspire Timeline U M3 marches to the beat of its own drum, merging the excellent battery life of an ultrabook with a large 15.6 FULL STORY >


Facebook acquires mobile bookmarking service Spool

By Hanleigh Daniels 16 July 2012

Facebook purchases mobile bookmarking service Spool. FULL STORY >

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