Quick Review: Acer Liquid Z5
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 November 2014Priced at R2 600, Acer’s Liquid Z5 gives users plenty of smartphone for a wallet friendly price tag. If value for money holds sway over your decision making, there are few better options. FULL STORY >

Geek News Highlights - The Two Weeks Notice Edition
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 October 2014We've crammed two weeks worth of geek news into one bumper edition, including a re-release trailer for 2001: A Space Odyssey, Sharlto Copley in PlayStation Plus' Powers, and Marvel's Civil War storyline for Captain America 3. FULL STORY >

Optimising Virtual Application Delivery Controllers with Network Automation
By Staff Writer 16 October 2014With the growing number of applications in use in today’s enterprises, network administrators are surely noticing some new challenges. Many IT professionals responsible for supporting applications in datacenter and... FULL STORY >

Leap Motion
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 30 June 2014The Leap Motion controller aims to enhance PC and notebook users’ experience through intuitive gesture recognition. It shows plenty of potential, but ultimately needs a stronger developer ecosystem. FULL STORY >

Computex brings some new tablets to the fore
By Ryan Noik 3 June 2014Live from Computex, Taiwan, our reporter goes hands-on with some new tablets from Acer and Asus. FULL STORY >

Hands-on with Acer's new Chromebooks at Computex
By Ryan Noik 3 June 2014Amongst the many tempting notebooks and offerings Acer had at its stand, there were two hot new Chromebooks. Ryan Noik went hands-on. FULL STORY >

Elon Musk unveils SpaceX's Dragon V2 manned spacecraft
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 30 May 2014SpaceX founder Elon Musk unveils the new Dragon V2 spacecraft, capable of carrying seven passengers for seven days to and from the International Space Station. FULL STORY >

NASA greenlights crowdsourced Z-2 Spacesuit design
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 5 May 2014NASA recently got the public to vote on a series of futuristic spacesuit designs. After the tally, the glow-in-the-dark Z-2 ranked first and is now entering development. FULL STORY >

MINI showcases new 2014 models and in-car navigation system
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 April 2014MINI has laid out its entire 2014 range of vehicles, newest amongst them being the Paceman. It has also introduced the Connected XL Journey Mate navigation system. FULL STORY >

Acer brings technology to Matjiesfontein Space Geodesy Observatory
By Staff Writer 22 April 2014Acer Africa, together with partners Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the National Research Foundation (NRF) are set to become a part of the only Space Geodesy and Geophysics Observatory (SGGO) in the southern... FULL STORY >

Quick Review: Acer TravelMate P645
By Ryan Noik 8 April 2014Just when we were beginning to think that ultrabooks’ glory days were behind them, Acer’s TravelMate P645 arrives on our desk, proving that some old stars still shine. FULL STORY >

Canon focus on social media paying off
By Ryan Noik 7 April 2014For Canon, putting time and effort into its social media presence is already reaping benefits, with its Facebook and Twitter accounts garnering a rapid and constant increase in followers. FULL STORY >

Know your Anime: Outlaws in Space
By Allen Simpson 4 April 2014We take you on a journey into outer space with outlaws and bounty hunters a plenty. Outlaw Star and Cowboy Bebop - it’s Science Fiction cowboy style. FULL STORY >

Facebook buys Oculus VR for $2 billion
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 26 March 2014Facebook has purchased Oculus Rift for $2 billion, with plans to make affordable VR a global reality. It seems Mark Zuckerberg still has some cash floating around after the WhatsApp deal. FULL STORY >
The TechSmart Business Q+A Sessions – March 2014
By Staff Writer 19 March 2014In our recent Q+A session, we asked companies about the one change/ enhancement/ implementation they made in the past two years, which had the biggest impact on productivity or efficiency in the company. We received some interesting feedback. FULL STORY >
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