AI could perpetuate gender inequality through inherent bias

By Opinion 10 September 2019

By Saurabh Kumar, CEO at In2IT Technologies South Africa FULL STORY >


Nearly 80% of employers aren’t worried about unethical use of AI

By Press Release 9 September 2019

A new workplace survey has revealed that almost 80% of employers aren’t worried about the unethical use of AI — and suggests that they should be. FULL STORY >


Nike Air Zoom UNVRS basketball shoes can assist athletes with disabilities

By Staff Writer 6 September 2019

Now this is a sneaker which we can get behind. FULL STORY >


It’s Bad Boys for Life, the trailer

By Staff Writer 5 September 2019

It’s been 16 years since we last saw Martin Lawrence and Will Smith partner up in Bad Boys II. FULL STORY >


Blue Prism set to showcase AI Digital Exchange this week

By Press Release 4 September 2019

Blue Prism will showcase its comprehensive artificial intelligence Digital Exchange (DX) at AI Expo Africa this week, setting in place the foundation for South African businesses to begin their journey into the era of AI. FULL STORY >


Saicom Voice Services adds Data Management solution to stack

By Staff Writer 2 September 2019

Saicom Voice Services has added a data management solution to its evolving product stack, driven it says, by customer demand for world class services that are customisable to local business requirements and realities. FULL STORY >


Reinventing SME funding

By Opinion 8 August 2019

By Miguel Da Silva, MD of Funding at Retail Capital FULL STORY >


The Addams Family gets cartoon movie update

By Staff Writer 8 August 2019

Directored by Conrad Vernon and Greg Tiernan, responsible for 2016’s outrageous Sausage Party. FULL STORY >


Opinion - Streaming analytics is key to leveraging value from M2M and IoT data

By Industry Contributor 5 August 2019

Gary Allemann, managing director of Master Data Management, offers his perspective on how to attain value from machine to machine and IoT. FULL STORY >


Watchmen series gets first full trailer

By Staff Writer 22 July 2019

With all the hot news and new trailers coming from San Diego Comic-Con, one that perhaps played second fiddle to some of the bigger releases was the trailer for Watchmen. FULL STORY >


Will the robot revolution deepen our humanity?

By Ryan Noik 22 July 2019

It’s not every day that you meet the world’s first humanoid robotic citizen, but standing next to Sophia the Robot, one can’t help but feel like humanity is at the very beginning of a future that was once only the domain of science fiction FULL STORY >


Microsoft, Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation and National Geographic offering $100 000 to save the planet

By Ryan Noik 15 July 2019

There is up to $100 000 (approx. R1.4 million) support being offered to those working on an artificial intelligence solution that is aimed to facilitating a sustainable future this month. FULL STORY >


Audi South Africa launches virtual reality customer private lounge

By Ryan Noik 9 July 2019

Emerging technologies are just about everywhere today, from financial institutions and hotels to one’s living room. The latest foray where virtual reality is making its mark? The car dealership floor. FULL STORY >


Sandman comic gets a Netflix series

By Staff Writer 5 July 2019

American Gods, Good Omens and now this. FULL STORY >


Battle movie Midway gets first teaser trailer

By Staff Writer 1 July 2019

Midway is directed by Roland Emmerich, a man that knows his way around action movies. FULL STORY >

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