Xero match for Yoco
By Press Release 29 July 2016Small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) can now operate from anywhere with Xero's cloud-based accounting software and Yoco's mobile point of sale. FULL STORY >

Following a password leak, Twitter has blocked millions of compromised accounts
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 June 2016An estimated 32 million Twitter account passwords were leaked recently, prompting the company to block several million user accounts. FULL STORY >

Four accounting hacks that keep small businesses afloat – and profitable
By Staff Writer 19 May 2016Poor accounting practices leave business owners in the dark as to their financial standing. Daryl Blundell, managing director for Sage SSB Accounting South and Southern Africa provides some fail proof hacks to keep your... FULL STORY >

You need to integrate your business solutions. Here’s why
By Staff Writer 10 May 2016Accounting, payroll & HR and payments are at the heart of any business. Executive VP of Sage, South & Southern Africa, Anton van Heerden, explains why integrating this golden triangle is vital for business success. FULL STORY >

Instagram now launching multi-account support for users
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 February 2016After testing out the feature over the past few weeks, Instagram has officially announced the ability for users to switch between multiple accounts in-app. FULL STORY >

Taking control of your cash flow: five tips for entrepreneurs
By Press Release 11 November 2015Cash flow management is the discipline of ensuring that more money is coming into to your business than you need to pay out each month FULL STORY >

From intern to employee – one accounting graduate’s journey
By Press Release 9 November 2015A degree in accountancy opens up many interesting career options for graduates, beyond striving to become an auditor or chartered accountant FULL STORY >

Kudos to the winners in the annual SAICA Sage Pastel Accounting Olympiad
By Staff Writer 17 September 2015The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), in partnership with Sage Pastel Accounting, held a prize-giving ceremony at Middleburg Muslim High School in Mpumalanga to celebrate the achievements of... FULL STORY >

SMEs and information security: don’t leave the door open to data loss
By Staff Writer 16 September 2015If you run a small business, you may think that data breaches and cybercrime are concerns mostly for big banks, retailers and telecoms companies FULL STORY >

PlayStation asking users to beta test its upcoming update
By Staff Writer 20 August 2015If you fancy yourself pretty adept at finding faults and errors, then Sony's upcoming PS4 beta test signup might be right up your alley. FULL STORY >

Choose the right tech to boost your small business
By Staff Writer 17 August 2015As a small business owner, you have plenty of choice when it comes to affordable technology that helps you run an efficient, responsive and productive company. FULL STORY >

National schools accounting olympiad results
By Staff Writer 5 August 2015The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), in partnership with Sage Pastel Accounting, today announced that the National SAICA Sage Pastel Accounting Olympiad winner is Sumaiya Jeewa from the Middelburg Muslim School in... FULL STORY >

Get your small business ready for POPI
By Staff Writer 13 July 2015Daryl Blundell, General Manager for Sage Pastel Accounting, takes you through the steps to prepare your small business for POPI. FULL STORY >

Sage One hits the nail on the head for Munro Accountancy and its clients
By Staff Writer 13 July 2015Port Elizabeth-based accounting firm Munro Accountancy is running the accounts for most of its clients on the Sage One Accounting online software because of the cost-effective, convenient and powerful, yet simplistic... FULL STORY >

Why the cloud is the next big leap in the evolution of accounting software
By Staff Writer 8 July 2015Over the past 20 years, we’ve seen the business software market evolve at a rapid speed, moving from basic DOS-based solutions with text-based interfaces to rich and attractive graphical user interfaces. FULL STORY >
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