Building the Quintessential BlackBerry Experience

By Staff Writer 13 July 2016

Amongst all the misinterpretations about BlackBerry and their BB10 strategy, Marty Beard, COO of BlackBerry, has put out an informative media alert to iron out the creases FULL STORY >


BlackBerry launches Leap in SA, targets young professionals

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 June 2015

A few months on from its debut at MWC 2015, BlackBerry brings its mid-range Leap smartphone to SA, with an eye on luring young professionals as its go-to user. FULL STORY >


BlackBerry Z3

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 July 2014

The first smartphone to debut in 2014 from BlackBerry locally is not a new expensive flagship, but rather the entry-level Z3. Favouring function over form, the Z3 offers a utilitarian BlackBerry experience at an attractive price point. But is that enough? FULL STORY >


BlackBerry's Z3 ready for lift-off in SA

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 July 2014

BlackBerry returns from its 18 month hiatus with the local launch of its new entry-level Z3 smartphone, set to retail for R3 000 and gain some ground on competitors in the South African market. FULL STORY >

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