Comicbook fans - Comixology sales now on

By Staff Writer 28 November 2018

If you’re keen on your graphic novels and looking to stock up on your collection at a decent price, the folks over at Comixology are ready to provide. FULL STORY >


Comixology selling 300 Marvel digital comics for under $1 each

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 March 2018

There's no mention of when the limited time offer ends, so it's worthwhile taking a look now. FULL STORY >


Geek News Highlights: The Geekfest Edition

By Ryan Noik 16 July 2014

In this week’s Geek News Highlights: Icon 2014 taking place this weekend, Daniel Radcliffe grows Horns and Thor to receive a gender reassignment. FULL STORY >


ComiXology launches 20 days of free comic giveaways

By Ryan Noik 28 May 2014

ComiXology has now announced a new 20 day giveaway, offering up a free comic every day for the next three weeks. FULL STORY >


COMICS a-go: Find it on the web

By Moray Rhoda 15 January 2014

If you love comics (or used to) but can't find comic shops in your area, your best bet is to make a bee-line to the web. Comic book guru Moray Rhoda investigates. FULL STORY >


Android Apps of the month - September 2012

By Ryan Noik 4 September 2012

With over 400 000 apps available for Android smartphones at Google Play, TechSmart would like to help you get to the good ones first. Here are our top Android Apps of the month. FULL STORY >

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