rAge says it's time to play - Cosplay that is

By Staff Writer 21 October 2022

rAge - the really Awesome gaming expo - has announced that the annual rAge GES Cosplay Competition is back. FULL STORY >


Cosplayers - get all the ebooks you need in latest Humble Bundle

By Staff Writer 29 May 2020

There’s a whole heap of ebooks here, covering almost everything you want to know, including sewing, makeup and prop and armour construction. FULL STORY >


Geek out at the ICON Comic & Games Convention starting tomorrow

By Staff Writer 28 June 2018

SA's longest running comics and gaming convention is on this weekend. FULL STORY >


Comics and Cosplay on offer at Humble Bundle

By Staff Writer 25 May 2018

Want to get ready for Comic Con Africa? Humble Bundle leads the way. FULL STORY >


Syntech giving away R60 000 in cash at rAge this year

By Press Release 26 September 2017

The count-down has begun for rAge 2017 and over the weekend of the 6th October thousands of excited and die-hard fans will descend on rAge, either to participate in the 3-day Lan or simply on the hunt for new technology and geek culture... FULL STORY >


ICON starts bigger and better than before

By Staff Writer 24 June 2016

Gamers and geeks rejoice, the ICON Comics and Games Convention this year looks like the biggest yet, by far. Moving to the much larger Gallagher Convention Centre in Midrand, ICON is set to start today, ending Sunday (24-26 June 2016). FULL STORY >


rAge Expo 2015: 5 Things to Do if you are NOT a Gamer

By Staff Writer 9 October 2015

The annual rAge Expo might have its crosshair firmly set on gaming, but that doesn’t mean that’s all there is to do. Apart from the hardware and big titles on display, there are a number of exhibitors that should keep you entertained if... FULL STORY >


Winter is Coming, and so is GeekFest 2015 this weekend

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 3 July 2015

The dead of winter may be fast approaching, but this weekend's GeekFest 2015 might just be the thing to stock up your geek-larder, to see you through the months ahead. FULL STORY >


rAge Roundup - 10 October 2014

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 October 2014

The rAge gaming expo is undoubtedly an assault on the senses, serving up the biggest gaming titles, latest developments and merchandise aplenty. With untold riches to explore within the Coca Cola Dome's great hall, we run down the most exciting sights and sounds. ... FULL STORY >


5 coolest things at San Diego Comic-Con 2014

By Moray Rhoda 7 August 2014

Any best-of list is always subjective, and it’s never more true than when it comes to something like San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC), where just about everything on show is mind-boggling. Comic book guru, Moray Rhoda, travelled to Comic-Con 2014, (and... FULL STORY >

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