New Death Stranding trailer still has us scratching our heads

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 June 2018

PlayStation's E3 2018 press conference gave us our best look at Death Stranding to date, but we're still in the dark as to what the game is actually about. FULL STORY >


Death Stranding gets another weird trailer

By Staff Writer 8 December 2017

So we know that Hideo Kojima, the man responsible for the Metal Gear series, has one of the weirdest games lined up for release in 2018. Now, Death Stranding has been blessed/cursed with a new trailer. FULL STORY >


Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding gets even weirder in latest trailers

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 2 December 2016

If you have any theories about Hideo Kojima's new game Death Stranding after watching the latest trailer, we would love to know. FULL STORY >

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