Mozilla releases Firefox 17

By Hanleigh Daniels 21 November 2012

The latest version (17) of Mozilla's popular Firefox web browser has been released, bringing a new feature in social networking integration. FULL STORY >


Microsoft is merging Messenger with Skype

By Hanleigh Daniels 7 November 2012

Microsoft is retiring its Messenger IM app, replacing it with Skype as the sole IM client and video chat app. FULL STORY >


SA teams put on a strong showing in 2012 Sasol Solar Challenge

By Hanleigh Daniels 2 October 2012

The 2012 Sasol Solar Challenge has come to an end with the local entrants making SA proud. FULL STORY >


Sasol Solar Challenge 2012 winding down to a big finish

By Hanleigh Daniels 26 September 2012

An update from the 5 400 km Sasol Solar Challenge 2012 endurance race. FULL STORY >


Sasol Solar Challenge 2012 gets underway

By Hanleigh Daniels 18 September 2012

The Sasol Solar Challenge has begun today from the CSIR in Pretoria. FULL STORY >


BBM included in Collins English Dictionary

By Hanleigh Daniels 14 September 2012

BBM has been officially added in the latest edition of the Collins English Dictionary. FULL STORY >


Countdown to Sasol Solar Challenge 2012 begins

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 September 2012

The start of Sasol's Solar Challenge 2012 is almost here. Sasol provides more details around the reasoning behind its involvement in the race. FULL STORY >


Google takes a stand against pirated content

By Ryan Noik 14 August 2012

Google has updated its search algorithms to bury pirated content lower in its search results. FULL STORY >


Samsung announces Smart App Challenge 2012

By Staff Writer 2 July 2012

Samsung launches its Smart App Challenge 2012 global app development competition. FULL STORY >


3CX phone system increases business efficiency

By Staff Writer 14 June 2012

B&D System Engineers believes businesses can transform the way they communicate and save a significant 80 on line rentals and call charges, by taking advantage of 3CX IP PBX VoIP. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - The New Releases Edition

By Ryan Noik 1 June 2012

In this week's Gaming News Round-up, LucasArts announce Star Wars 1313, whilst it is revealed that Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is dropping early in 2013. FULL STORY >


SciNews - June 2012

By Linda Pretorius 25 May 2012

Kidney stones, penguins and SA men hanging round a braai are all part of this month's SciNews. FULL STORY >


The Avengers

By Mike Joubert 26 April 2012

There's been a lot of hype about the new Avengers movie. We're happy to report that, for once, it's all justified. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - EUFA EURO 2012 edition

By Staff Writer 30 March 2012

In gaming this week: Euro 2012 will be coming to FIFA 12 via DLC, the FBI has its eyes set on games and new Forza Motorsport 4 DLC on the way. FULL STORY >


Google hints at dramatic changes in search engine

By Ryan Noik 15 March 2012

Google is about to set in motion a change to its search functionality that is being called the largest in the search giant's history. FULL STORY >

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