How does your Salary compare with Albert Einstein's Pay?

By Press Release 4 July 2016

How does your salary compare to some of the world’s most famous scientists? Popular job search site Adzuna calculated the inflation-adjusted salaries for Einstein, Curie and nine other well-known scientific figures. The results suggest... FULL STORY >


Einstein 100 is an animated video that pays homage to the Theory of Relativity

By Staff Writer 26 November 2015

It's all relative. Albert Einstein figured that out at age 36. Now 100 years later, in the week celebrating his Theory of Relativity, a short animated video breaks it down for viewers. FULL STORY >


The Next Einstein Forum launches search for 54 of Africa's top young science and technology ambassadors

By Staff Writer 24 July 2015

The Next Einstein Forum (NEF) has launched the search for 54 of Africa's top young science and technology ambassadors, one from each African country. FULL STORY >

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