Philips Hue adds $40 motion sensor controller to its smart home lineup
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 August 2016Part of its simple smart home offerings, Philips Hue unveils a new motion sensor that turns on your lights when you walk past it. FULL STORY >

Five data saving tips for Android users
By Staff Writer 24 August 2016If you like us, hate paying your cellular provider for extra data, best would be to follow these five data saving tips for Android users. FULL STORY >

Cash is on its way out – 6 ways to make sure you’re ready
By Press Release 16 August 2016The cashless economy is almost here. Just a couple months ago, the European Central Bank suggested that the 500 Euro note will be eliminated. While the humble card is still the most favoured method of payment, digital wallet... FULL STORY >

Ultra HD - A case for 4K for medical application
By Press Release 25 July 2016The brilliance and sheer detail that come with Ultra HD 4K go beyond perceived traditional usage and today benefit users such as surgical practices and radiologists. In South Africa, a radiology practice based in the North West Province recently... FULL STORY >

10 Cost effective ways to train and educate your team members
By Press Release 30 June 2016MD at Sage HR & Payroll, Sandra Swanepeol looks at 10 cost effective ways to train and educate your team members. FULL STORY >

Fight financial fraud in your business by getting the basics right
By Press Release 23 June 2016Financial fraud is still a huge threat to both enterprises and small & medium businesses, Sage Pay's Donovan Marais identifies ways to fight it. FULL STORY >

7 ways to work smarter – not harder
By Press Release 20 June 2016Truly efficient people know there’s a difference between being busy and being productive. Nashua Limited, has rounded up seven tips to help you perform more efficiently, no matter your job description. FULL STORY >

Mastering the challenges of building your own business
By Press Release 8 June 2016Starting a business is about passion, hard work and sacrifice. Entrepreneurs are the drivers of prosperity, but this can sometimes be a daunting task. MD for Sage SSB, Daryl Blundell, details six essential skills to overcome business... FULL STORY >

Five qualities employers look for in job candidates
By Press Release 3 June 2016A good degree or professional certification can help secure an interview for your dream job, but once you're sitting in front of the recruiter or potential employer, you'll need to show what you can offer in addition to your qualifications.... FULL STORY >

Four accounting hacks that keep small businesses afloat – and profitable
By Staff Writer 19 May 2016Poor accounting practices leave business owners in the dark as to their financial standing. Daryl Blundell, managing director for Sage SSB Accounting South and Southern Africa provides some fail proof hacks to keep your... FULL STORY >
Political will needed to unlock PPP value
By Staff Writer 12 May 2016In order to engage in effective partnerships, government needs to appreciate that there are countless competing investment opportunities around the globe and should immediately start working much harder to create a stable environment favourable to... FULL STORY >

10 LinkedIn tips to get you hired
By Staff Writer 29 April 2016With a number of recruiters using LinkedIn profiles to decide if they're interested in you, Sage Talent Solutions' Heidi Duvenage offers 10 tips to improve your chances of getting hired. FULL STORY >

The Electronic Sports League bans eSports team sponsored by porn site
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 26 April 2016Did you know YouPorn has a pro gamer team? Well you won't be able to see them play at any Electronic Sports League tournaments in the near future, for obvious reasons. FULL STORY >

Nashua: Unexpected cost cutting opportunities for your business
By Press Release 14 April 2016Business owners are constantly under pressure to reduce costs. But the things that are losing your business money might not be what you expect. Here are practical tips on how to identify areas where small changes could bring about... FULL STORY >

EMC partners with EY, addresses cybersecurity threat
By Ryan Noik 31 March 2016EMC has entered into a strategic alliance with Ernst and Young, while also launching a new solution to address cybersecurity threats. FULL STORY >
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