Uber hosts its inaugural Women In Tech event
By Press Release 12 December 2019The gender disparity in leadership roles, especially in the technology field is an issue that continues to persist. FULL STORY >

Japan Display Inc unveils display with 651 ppi count
By Hanleigh Daniels 8 June 2012Japan Display Inc. reveals a screen that sports a pixel density nearly double that of an iPhone 4S' Retina Display. FULL STORY >

CISPA whisper raises alarm
By Ryan Noik 16 April 2012The latest bill raising alarm amongst internet freedom watchdogs is the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), which some are concerned may be picking up where SOPA left off. FULL STORY >

SA spammers named and shamed
By Tom Manners 14 June 2010ISPA names and shame South Africas most notorious spammers in its Hall of Shame report FULL STORY >
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