Robo-Bosses: the future is here and it’s not as scary as it seems
By Press Release 21 September 2016A robot-driven future is closer than we think. According to Gartner’s “Top Predictions for IT Organisations and Users for 2016 and Beyond”, more than three million workers globally will have robo-boss supervision by 2018 FULL STORY >
Sophos launches next generation of anti-exploit and anti-ransomware technology with Sophos Intercept X
By Press Release 21 September 2016Sophos recently announced Sophos Intercept X, an endpoint security product that stops zero-day malware, unknown exploit variants and stealth attacks, and includes an advanced anti-ransomware... FULL STORY >
SUSE Linux Enterprise offers operating environment for SAP HANA, Express Edition
By Press Release 21 September 2016Developers on Mac OS and Windows or in the cloud can more quickly and easily create new applications for the SAP HANA platform with SUSE Linux Enterprise-powered virtual machine. FULL STORY >
Nike's self-lacing HyperAdapt 1.0 landing November 28th in the States
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 September 2016Not quite Marty McFly's Nike MAGs, but self-lacing nonetheless. FULL STORY >
The Software AG Digital Business Day 2016: Your business path into the Digital Frontier
By Press Release 20 September 2016The blistering rate of digital transformation is ‘unapologetic’ and will leave businesses who fail to focus on their journey toward digitalisation behind. This is according to Mahomed Cassoojee, Vice... FULL STORY >
Mellanox and Cumulus deliver first complete 10/25/50/100 Gb/s Ethernet open networking switch portfolio
By Staff Writer 20 September 2016Mellanox Technologies, Ltd., a leading supplier of high performance cloud and storage networking solutions, has announced support for Cumulus Linux 3.1 on four new 10/25/50/100 Gb/s Ethernet... FULL STORY >
More ingenious cyber threats emerging
By Press Release 19 September 2016Cyber threats pose a growing danger to companies and individuals, and the risks are constantly evolving like a moving target. An estimated half a million attacks are happening every minute in cyber space, where the hackers are intent on keeping one step... FULL STORY >
Several reports say iPhone 7's are hissing when doing heavy multitasking
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 19 September 2016Could this be Apple's version of exploding phablet batteries, or simply an anomaly? FULL STORY >
Zack Snyder offers up first look at J.K Simmons as Commissioner Gordon
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 19 September 2016Not the high profile tidbit that DC fans may have wanted, but a great image nonetheless. Zack Snyder posts a picture of J.K Simmons as Commissioner Gordon for Justice League. FULL STORY >
Opinion: Dell and EMC – another defining moment in the industry
By Ryan Noik 16 September 2016There are certain defining and watershed moments in the life of technology, where the IT landscape is inexorably altered, from that point forward. The Dell-EMC merger may be yet another of these. FULL STORY >
Denel establishes business unit to counter cyber threats
By Press Release 16 September 2016Denel is taking the lead to combat cyber terrorism in South Africa with the establishment of a dedicated business unit to counter the growing global threat to the country’s security and economic interests. FULL STORY >
Grace period for PoPI compliance nearly over
By Press Release 16 September 2016Company executives must act swiftly, the grace period for compliance to the PoPI act is nearly over, says Xperien CEO Wale Arewa. FULL STORY >
Samsung will have replacement Galaxy Note 7's in the US by 21 September
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 16 September 2016The South Korean manufacturer will have new replacement devices, with non-exploding batteries we're assuming, in the US come 21 September. FULL STORY >
Tactical Batsuit looks very similar to another Zack Snyder superhero costume
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 September 2016Earlier this week Justice League director Zack Snyder shared an image of Batman in his new tactical suit, prompting a great deal of comparison to the one Nite Owl wears in Watchmen. FULL STORY >
One in three companies have been hacked, is yours next?
By Press Release 14 September 2016In the past year, one in every three companies in South Africa reported having experienced cybercrime in one way or the other. As companies continue to bleed billions of Rands due to cybercrime, there is still not enough being done by... FULL STORY >
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