Cape Town startup wants to reach 1m kids and solve Africa’s tech job skills crisis

By Press Release 11 February 2022

Mindjoy, the Cape Town-based edtech startup that’s for kids, aims to help one million children discover their superpowers through coding. FULL STORY >


PayJoy and Allied Mobile to make smartphones accessible to more Africans

By Press Release 23 February 2018

Currently operating in the United States and Mexico, smartphone payment solutions provider, PayJoy, announces its expansion into Africa. FULL STORY >


Nintendo faces possible lawsuit over Switch JoyCon design

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 August 2017

The makers of the Wikipad are claiming the Nintendo Switch's JoyCon controllers infringe on concept patents. FULL STORY >


ColorWare debuts $200 NES-inspired Joy-Cons for the Nintendo Switch

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 July 2017

Specialising in painted custom accessories, ColorWare debuts an NES-styled pair of Joy-Con controllers for the Nintendo Switch. FULL STORY >


Latest Nintendo Switch update will help find JoyCon controllers

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 June 2017

An impending update (3.0.0) will add a number of fixes to the Nintendo Switch, along with the ability to help find lost JoyCon controllers. FULL STORY >


Hot new trailers - Joy

By Staff Writer 23 July 2015

You’ll know director David O. Russell from Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle. In Joy he again teams up with Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper. FULL STORY >


Dropbox acquires Snapjoy

By Hanleigh Daniels 21 December 2012

Dropbox goes on an acquisition spree, snapping up Snapjoy right after buying Audiogalaxy. FULL STORY >


BenQ JoyBee GP2

By Mike Joubert 7 December 2012

BenQ is known for good quality and decently priced projectors, with the portable Joybee GP2 aiming to dent the iPhone entertainment market. FULL STORY >


Fallout 3 Ultimate Game of the Year

By Hanleigh Daniels 2 November 2009

Fallout 3 has been named game of the year at the Golden Joystick Awards 09. FULL STORY >

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