Crossing the (Nikon) Bridge: A popular choice

By Staff Writer 6 November 2013

Nikon’s bridge cameras remain one of the most popular digital camera ranges on the market. We look at a few of the intelligent choices available. FULL STORY >


Nikon heats up battle with three new Coolpix cameras

By Ryan Noik 6 March 2013

Nikon has lifted the lid on not one, but three new Coolpix cameras, for a variety of users and budgets. FULL STORY >


Nikon unveils new Coolpix superzoom cameras

By Ryan Noik 29 January 2013

Nikon has unveiled three new offerings in its Coolpix range, in the form of the S9500, P520 and L820. FULL STORY >


Walt Disney Company Africa reveals its line up

By Ryan Noik 28 November 2012

The return of several favourite TV shows and several Marvel-based movies are amongst the line-up that local audiences can look forward to. FULL STORY >


Quick Review - Wreck it Ralph

By Ryan Noik 28 November 2012

Wreck-it Ralph is a gem of a movie that pays homage to games while retaining the ability to appeal to non-gamers as well. FULL STORY >


What you need to know - Skype DUALphone 4088

By Hanleigh Daniels 12 November 2012

Tired of forking out for high landline and cellular phone bills? The Skype DUALphone enables users to make Skype calls and phone landline numbers as well. FULL STORY >


ITU releases latest global technology development figures

By Hanleigh Daniels 15 October 2012

The ITU makes its latest worldwide technology development stats available. FULL STORY >


More women adopting digital banking, says Absa report

By Ryan Noik 29 August 2012

The latest analysis of customer behaviour by Absa's Digital Banking unit has revealed that more women are now adopting digital banking, particularly using a cellphone. FULL STORY >


Nikon announces Android-based Coolpix S800c

By Ryan Noik 22 August 2012

Nikon has announced its new Coolpix S800c compact camera, which is aimed at offering the best of both smartphone and compact camera worlds. FULL STORY >


RIM confirms BlackBerry 10 screen resolutions

By Hanleigh Daniels 20 August 2012

RIM shares more details concerning the release of its forthcoming BlackBerry 10 running devices. FULL STORY >


LG BX327C DLP projector

By Hanleigh Daniels 19 July 2012

The BX327C DLP projector enables users to bring the big screen movie viewing experience right into their living rooms. FULL STORY >


Green News - February 2012

By Hanleigh Daniels 6 February 2012

Getting some cash back for your tech waste, making wasteful chargers illegal and new lithium-air cell electric battery technology all form part of this month's Green News. FULL STORY >


Nikon showcases two new Coolpix cameras

By Ryan Noik 2 February 2012

Nikon this week debuted a rather interesting pair of new Coolpix P series cameras, the Coolpix P510 and Coolpix P310. FULL STORY >


MTN is offering more affordable cellphones

By Staff Writer 12 December 2011

Local mobile operator MTN will be providing access to mobile phones for more locals via the sale of less costlier handsets. FULL STORY >


Absa launches trial of near field communication payments

By Ryan Noik 6 December 2011

Absa bank has launched a trial that may mark the beginning of the end for the wallet as we know it. FULL STORY >

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